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Sontec Instruments Single, Dual, and Triple Pivot Point Shaft Design
Conventional single pivot (1st generation) not ideal. pivot instruments are the best choice for true
thoracoscopic procedures for many reasons.
When inserted through a port or very small VATS 2-point pivot (3rd generation)
incision, the function of a single pivot point The VATS 2-point pivot uses a sliding shaft The shaft of the instruments are only 5.2mm
wide so they can be used through a 7.5mm,
greatly increases the opening of the shanks, between the two points which, when open,
which affects how far the jaws can open is only 10 mm wide and can be used with 10.5mm or 13mm trocar or small incision. The
unless a larger incision is made. size also allows the instruments to be easily
a port or small incision without loosing the used in conjunction with other instruments
Double Action 3-point pivot (2nd full function of the jaws. This design is an during surgery. The Micasept instruments
generation) improvement, but not ideal for true MIS are very strong, lightweight and gives the
Thoracoscopic surgery, as it is heavy and has surgeon true touch sensitivity. They are ideal
The double action gives greater strength at
the tip and doubles the gripping force making limited touch sensitivity for the operator. It is for node removal, lobectomies, pluerodesis
it a slight improvement over conventional also difficult to use in conjunction with other and many other delicate thoracoscopic
instruments. Like the conventional single surgeries. Sontec Instruments provides
point pivot, the 3-point pivot action greatly Micasept Thoracoscopic single pivot (4th the largest selection of Thoracoscopic
reduces the opening of the shanks, which generation) instruments on the market.These instruments
affects the distance of the jaw opening The Micasept Thoracoscopic single-point are true thoracoscopic instruments designed
making it usable for VATS procedures, but for the thoracic surgeon.
Pivot Point 1
Pivot Point 2
Pivot Point 3 Pivot Point 1
Pivot Point 2 Pivot Point 1
Pivot Point 1
100 Colorado, USA / 1.800.821.7496 /