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P. 114

DeBakey Bulldog Forceps and Applicator

          For robotic-endo application
          20919-35-353    DeBakey bulldog forceps               46 mm serration    curved left
          20919-35-354    DeBakey bulldog forceps              46 mm serration    straight
          26932-60       MICASEPT applicator for DeBakey bulldog forceps    with ratchet    Ø10 mm    350 mm WL   angle holding
          26932-62       MICASEPT applicator for DeBakey bulldog forceps    with ratchet    Ø10 mm    350 mm WL   straight holding



                               These unique bulldogs can also be used with a robotic bulldog applying clamp arm

                                     26932-60                                         26932-62


          112                            Colorado, USA / 1.800.821.7496 /
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