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Micro V.A.T.S. Uniportal System

              2.7 mm
              27971-45   1    MICTEC fenestrated forceps, 30° curved, down, Y-grip with clamp ratchet, with cleaning flush port, Ø 2,7 mm, 300 mm working length
              27971-90   1    MICTEC atraumatic dressing forceps, 30° curved down, Y-grip without ratchet, with cleaning flush port, Ø 2.7 mm, 300 mm working length
              27973-36   1    MICTEC dissection clamp, 30° curved down, Y-grip without ratchet, with cleaning flush port, Ø 2.7 mm, 300 mm working length
              27975-37   1    MICTEC scissors curved, 30° curved down, Y-grip, with cleaning flush port, Ø 2.7 mm, 300 mm working length
              27976-36    1    MICTEC biopsy forceps, 30° curved down, Y-grip without ratchet, with cleaning flush port, Ø 2,7 mm, 300 mm working length






                                           Colorado, USA / 1.800.821.7496 /           205
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