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Sontec® Sheet Tape

              For surgical instrument
              identification / color-codes                105-610
              instruments with pre-cut strips /            White                  105-581                 105-640
              each 8 1/2˝ x 11˝ sheet contains:                                    Plum                   Fuchsia
              44 strips, 2˝ long x 1/4˝ wide /
              220 strips, 1˝ long x 1/4˝ wide            Kelly Green             Blue/Green             Medical Blue
              (total: 264 strips, 374˝ of tape)
              * See colors online                         105-614                 105-541                 105-644
              * PLEASE NOTE: Sontec® Sheet                  Red                   Blue/Red              Emerald Green
              Tape is not recommended for use
              with cold sterilization fluids.             105-616                 105-542                 105-646
              * Size and color of tapes may vary           Yellow                Yellow/Blue               Violet
              slightly from actual products
                                                          105-618                 105-543                 105-660
                                                          Orange                Yellow/Green              Fuchsia
                                                          105-620                 105-544                 105-662
                                                           Gray                  Yellow/Red             Medical Blue
                                                          105-622                 105-686                 105-664
                                                          Lavender              Purple/Black            Emerald Green
                                                          105-624                 105-688                 105-666
                                                           Beige                Orange/Black               Violet

                                                          105-626                 105-690                 105-590
                                                          Light Blue             Blue/Black              Smiley Face,
                                                          105-628                 105-692                 105-600
                                                         Lime Green             Rubine/Black              Red Hearts
                                                                                                          on White
                                                          105-630                 105-694                 105-602
                                                            Pink                Yellow/Black             White Hearts
                                                                                                           on Red
                                                          105-632                 105-696     1  1  1  1  105-670
                                                           Plum                 Green/Black               Fuchsia*
                                                          105-570                 105-720    2  2  2  2   105-672
                                                         Royal Blue              Lime Green             Medical Blue*
                                                          105-571                 105-722     3  3  3  3  105-674
                                                         Kelly Green               Gray                 Emerald Green*
                                                          105-572                 105-723    4  4  4  4   105-676
                                                            Red                    Beige                  Violet*

                                                          105-573                 105-724    * Each color sheet contains
                                                           Yellow                Light Blue       numbers 0 - 8
                                                          105-574                 105-725                 105-550
                                                          Orange                   Pink                 Red/White/Blue

                                                          105-575                 105-726                 105-551
                                                           Brown                   Plum                 Red/White/Black
                                                          105-576                 105-727                 105-552
                                                           Black                  Lavender              Red/Yellow/Black
                                                          105-577                 105-650                 105-553
                                                          Lavender                Fuchsia               Red/Black/Green
                                                          105-578                 105-652     Above Styles: 3/8˝ wide,
                                                          Light Blue            Medical Blue      245˝ total tape
                                                          105-579                 105-654
                                                         Lime Green             Emerald Green
                                                          105-580                 105-656
                                                            Pink                   Violet

                                           Colorado, USA / 1.800.821.7496 /            37
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