Page 96 - master
P. 96
HL Micro Neuro Bayonet Large Gauge 9mm Ø with
11mm Ø Gold Knurled Grip Needle Holder
Shaft tapered from 2.7mm Ø to 2mm at tip with 360° rotation / squeeze
handle / TC dust / 13" (33 cm)
2900-002 without lock
2900-004 with lock
Micro Neuro Original Large Gauge 11mm Ø Gauge
with 9.5mm Ø Golfball Grip Bayonet Needle Holder
Shaft tapered from 2.7mm Ø to 2mm at tip with 360° rotation / squeeze handle /
TC dust / with lock / 13" (33 cm)
2900-001L straight
2900-003L curved
94 Colorado, USA / 1.800.821.7496 /