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Dear Customer,

                                   Sontec Instruments, Inc. is a family owned & operated
                                   medical company, providing personalized service
                                   featuring the finest in surgical instrumentation for over
                                   half a century.

                                   Our surgical instruments encompass the entire human
                                   anatomy including specialty products specific to small
                                   and large animal surgery.

                                   Owner of Sontec Instruments, Dennis Russell Scanlan
                                   III and his sons, Johann, Stefan and Angus Scanlan
                                   bring with them a lifetime of experience creating the
                                   highest quality products made by the world’s leading
                                   manufacturing facilities featuring, cutting edge robotic
                                   technology, handmade workmanship combined with
                                   an understanding how to make exactly what our valued
                                   customers have come to expect.

                                   Dennis R. Scanlan, III President & CEO and his wife
                                   Caron C. Scanlan thank you, for the opportunity to
                                   present our Master catalog.


                                   Dennis Russell Scanlan III

                                                            Printed 1/25

                                           Colorado, USA / 1.800.821.7496 /             1
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