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Guarantee & Repairs Policy System Needle Holders
• Equine (Arthroscopic) • Repair is necessary when needle holder
Sontec® surgical instruments are guaran- • Eye no longer securely holds needle when
teed to be free of defects in materials and • Neurology & Orthopedic locked on the second ratchet tooth, and
workmanship. Any Sontec® instrument that • Orthopedic & Arthroscopic needle turns easily by hand
is defective will be repaired or replaced at our • Urology Please Note
discretion. Instruments not properly cared • Veterinary Dental
for, used for unintended purposes, or beyond • Veterinary Eye • We are not responsible for typographical
their designed capacity will not be covered • General Veterinary Instrumentation errors in this catalog
under this guarantee. Our liability under this Also, if you do not find what you are looking • Instruments pictured in this catalog may
guarantee is limited to the repair or replace- for, please contact us. or may not be to size
ment of the defective merchandise. • Variations and changes in instrument
Instrument Care design are possible
Sontec® has its own repair department • Pricing is subject to change without notice
where most mechanically functional instru- • Delivery schedules may vary from original
ments can be returned to like-new condition. Designed and crafted to exacting specifica- estimates
tions, surgical instruments will perform for • Some items are for veterinary use
Sontec® performs a variety of repairs, such a number of years, provided they are main-
as replacing worn TC jaws or sharpening tained correctly and used for their intended Contact Info
scissors. In addition, we complete a compre- purpose. A strict maintenance schedule will
hensive evaluation of your instruments to de- help reduce the need for premature replace- Sontec Instruments, Inc.
termine if further service is required. ments, thus cutting costs. For proper safe- 7248 South Tucson Way
guarding of surgical instruments, please read Centennial, Colorado 80112, USA
For repair service, please send the following and share the following information. Toll free: 800.821.7496
directly to the address below: • Never substitute sterilization for Local: 303.790.9411
• Instruments clean, sterilized, securely cleanliness
wrapped and carefully packaged. • Wash brand new instruments prior to the
• Purchase and/or repair order first sterilization
• A note with contact and shipping • Remove saline solution, bleach, blood
information and tissue from instruments quickly and
• Sending multiple items eliminates $50 thoroughly
minimum charge • Always use distilled water for cleaning
Return Policy • Never use saline solution for cleaning
The return of new, unused instruments in • Prevent cross-corrosion by separating
their original packaging is accepted within 30 corroded instruments from other
days of purchase with an authorized "Return instruments
Merchandise Authorization". Please contact • Never autoclave econo-grade stainless
Sontec directly by phone or email with your with superior-grade stainless.
invoice or proof of purchase in order to ob- • Always autoclave instruments with box
tain your RMA slip and instructions. Restock- lock open to alleviate pressure at the joint
ing fee applies and credit will not be issued and to prevent fracture
for shipping charges or handling fees. Proper • Lubricate joint and box lock after cleaning
credit is not guaranteed without an RMA. with an anti-microbial, water soluble
Custom, Special Order or Modified items are lubricant
non-returnable. • Protect the tips of delicate instruments
with protective covers (see page a.)
Sontec Instruments, Inc. • Never use an instrument for anything
Toll free: 800.821.7496 other than its intended use
Local: 303.790.9411 Additional Safeguarding
Scissors and Other Blades
Sontec® offers other catalogs for a variety of • Perform routine inspections for sharpness,
surgical instrumentation, including: as a blade becomes duller with each stroke
(all operating and Mayo scissors should be
• Alligator, Grasping, & Biopsy Forceps able to cut through four layers of gauze)
• Avian & Exotic • When blades no longer cut without an
• Bandage Scissors excessive amount of force, please return
• Cardiovascular & Thoracoscopic them to Sontec® for resharpening
• Caspar & Cloward Retractor Systems
• Colon & Rectal • The more often a blade is resharpened,
the longer it tends to last
• Cranial Cruciate Ligament Lateral Suture
4 Colorado, USA / 1.800.821.7496 /