Page 7 - master
P. 7
Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Cause Solution
Rust Worn chrome plating on Be aware of plating condition and remove from
brass instruments service when wear is visible.
Cross-corrosion from carbon Keep carbon steel and stainless steel
instruments to stainless steel instruments separated during cleaning and
Low grade instruments may
not have been passivated Remove from service.
Autoclave not operating properly Clean and thoroughly flush water lines
in sterilizer according to manufacturer’s
instructions. Only use distilled water, never tap
water, to generate steam.
Organic matter left on
instrument after surgery Remove all blood and tissue before drying.
Use distilled water and a nylon brush to
clean hard to reach areas.
Pitting Prolonged exposure to corrosive Only use approved cleaning and sterilization
chemicals and/or organic substances solutions. Thoroughly rinse and dry instruments.
Orange / Contaminated sterilizer, high alkaline Clean sterilizer. Use neutral pH solutions.
Brown Stains detergent, cold disinfectants Thoroughly clean, rinse, and dry instruments.
Bluish Black Mixing dissimilar metals during cleaning Separate carbon steel, aluminum, and stainless
Stains and sterilization steel instruments.
Rainbow - Chromium oxide stain-result of Send in for polishing and hardness check.
olored Stains excessive heat
Cracked Box Excessive force, sterilized in the closed Replace the instrument.
Lock position
Cracked Jaw Cutting pin at tip of jaws Replace the instrument. Cut pin in center of
on Pin Cutter jaws.
Colorado, USA / 1.800.821.7496 / 5