Page 145 - master
P. 145
Fan Retractor Disassembly
Step 1: Unscrew
cap and pull off.
Step 2: Turn top dial
counter clockwise
and pull off shaft.
Step 3: Turn top
piece clockwise to
pull out of shaft.
Step 4: All instrument parts can
be hand cleaned with a soft
brush. Instrument parts must be
fully immersed in order to not
damage any coating. Jointed
part must opened. Take special
care to rinse hollow spaces.
Step 5: Reassembly is opposite
of the disassembly. Make sure
that notch A lines up with the A
bottom notch on shaft.
Step 6: Reverse order to
reassemble. * On Step 2 top dial
turns opposite direction
To avoid coagulation of proteins, the rinse cleaning also. Lift edge of cap, slide off, then mechanical cleaning, especially for sensitive
water temperature must be below 45 push valve out. Re-assembles the same way larparoscopic instruments. All instruments
degrees C. Fan Retractor must be cleaned in reverse. Use proper amount of cleaning are autoclavable including electric cables
carefully with a soft brush and taken apart. solutions as per instructions of manufacturer. and flexible trocars.
Three way tap must be taken apart for Ultrasound Cleaning is preferred to
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