Page 148 - master
P. 148

Important directions for the Trocars

          Cleaning: Thoracoscopic                                              •  After cleaning and rinsing, the instrument
          Flextrocar Cleaning                                                  parts must be dried.
                                                                               •  All trocar parts can be sterilized in
                                                                               autoclave steam sterilization.
          Take the trocar apart into its three parts: (1)
          titanium head (2) obturator (3) flexible tube                        Pressure max. 2 bar
          •  Place Parts for cleaning into ultrasound                          •  time: 25 minutes max
          bath (Manufacturer strongly recommends                               gravity steam (wrapped) / 132º C/ 270º F /
          ultrasound cleaning)                                                 15 minutes
          •  Instrument parts must be covered
          completely by the cleaning  during cleaning                          Prevac (wrapped) / 132º C / 270º F / 4 min-
          procedure                                                            utes
          •  The cleaning time should be at least 3
          minutes at a frequency of 35 Khz                                     Gravity Steam  (unwrapped/ Flash) /  132ºC/
          •  Rinse completely with desalinated water                           270º F / 10 minutes
                                                                               Notice: Cold Soak Sterilization is not rec-

                                                                               Testing results indicate that cold soak ster-
                                                       3. flexible tube        ilization is not  adequate for this product.
                                                                               Manufacturer’s  recommended cycle times
                                                                               DO NOT always provide a 105 sterility assur-
                                                                               ance level.
                                                                               Temperature:  134  degree Celsius corre-
                                                                               sponds to 273 degrees Fahrenheit.
                                                                               Gamma-, hotair- and plasma sterilization is
                                                                               not recommended for the flexible, disposable
                                                                               trocar shafts as these methods could cause
                                                                               damage to trocar.

                    1. titanium head

                                            Flexible tubing may shrink during autoclav-
                                            ing. It can be returned to exact size using ap-
                                            propriate size stretch pin (10.5mm or 7mm)
                                            pictured here and on pg. 33
                                            When cleaning mechanically please  take
                                            care that rinse water temperature does
                                            not exceed 45 degrees  Celsius to avoid
                                            coagulation of any proteins that may still
                                            adhere to instrument.
                                            Before autoclaving, all three parts must be
                                            cleaned, either mechanically or manually
                                            When cleaning manually:
                                            •  Use a soft cleaning brush.
                                            •  Use enzymatic cleaners to release blood,
                      2. obturator          proteins etc.

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