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Direction for use of Thoracoscopic HF Electrodes and instruments
1.0 General information 3.0 Inspect before every operational use!
• Please read directions before using this instrument.
• MICTEC HF-instruments function with the following HF units: 3.1 Inspection of the insulation
Erbe: Erbotom ACC430/450, ACC 410, ACC450T, ACC450Z, ACC • Inspect instrument carefully for damage to plastic coating on
451; Endoscopy; T 50 B, T130, T175E; ICC350, ICC 300, ICC 200 hooks, scisors, suction irrigation tubes.
Any instrument found to be damaged must be removed from ser-
Martin: ME 50, 80, 200, 400, MIC, 60, 70, Elektrotom; 80B, 80, 200, vice and returned for repair or replacement.
390, 400
Berchtold: Elektrotom 80, 80B, 200, 390, 400, 505, 540 3.2 Function tests
Valley Lab: Force 1, 2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 40S, 10A, 20A, 30A, 40A, 40AS Check:
• Is the instrument functional?
Olumpus: UES, UES-2, UES-10, PSD-2, PSD-3, PSD-10 • Can the valve be opened and closed?
• Is the valve complete?
Aesculap: GN 350, 60; GK 170, 450, 455, 20, 50, 55 • Is the piston oiled and sealed?
Further units on demand Warning! If any irregularity is found during the inspection, the de-
fect must be corrected before using the instrument.
• Following HF cables are approved for MICTEC HF instruments:
- monopolar HF cable, 4 m long, 4 mm connection plug for Erbe 3.3 Directions for use
- monopolar HF cable, 4 m long, 5 mm connection plug for Erbe
ACC, ICC 26944-02 3.4 Attaching to suction/irrigation unit
- monopolar HF cable, 4 m long for Valley Lab art. no.26944-03 • Connect the silicon suction tube to the longitudinally directed tube
- monopolar HF cable, 4 m long for Martin/Berchtold/Aesculap units connector as in illustration on page 43. • Connect the silicon irrigation tube to the transverse directed tube
connector as in illustration on page 43.
2.0 Sterilization
Be sure to use the appropriate tube diameter to prevent the tube from
• New instruments must be washed, rinsed, dried, inspected and slipping off connector.
sterilized before using, as described below.
2.1 Steam sterilization 4.0 Care and Cleaning of individual
• Before sterilizing, individual components must be cleaned components
following the instructions under point 4.0 below.
• All components can be steam sterilized under the following 4.1 Cleaning instrument parts
Mechanical cleaning:
Regular sterilization: pressure: max 2 bar, time: 25 min.
• All parts can be cleaned by machine.
Flash sterilization (for faster turnaround): • Parts must be placed in machine so that coating is not damaged.
Pressure: max. 2,5 bar • Be sure all hollow spaces are also washed and rinsed.
Time: 10 min. with 134ºC • Water temperature must not go above 45º C to avoid protein
coagulation and sticking to valve.
Warning! Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the steam • Follow instructions given by manufacturer for proper amount of
sterilizer! detergent.
Warning! MICTEC® 3 – Way – Valves must be taken apart for
2.2 Gas sterilization (ETO) cleaning. All tubes must be removed from valve!
• Before sterilizing, individual components must be cleaned Ultrasound cleaning:
following the instructions under point 4.0 below.
• All components can be sterilized with gas Ultrasonic cleaning is preferable to mechanical cleaning. This is espe-
Warning! Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the gas steril- cially true for the sensitive instruments used for endoscopies.
• Instruments must be completely immersed in cleaning solution.
• Instruments must be cleaned for at least 3 minutes at a frequency
2.3 Disinfection of 35 KHz.
• Instruments can be rinsed either mechanically or by hand, but
• Before sterilizing, individual components must to be cleaned rinsing must be thorough and if possible with desalinated water.
following the instructions under point 4.0 below. Follow the manufacture’s instructions for the ultrasonic unit.
• All components can be immersed in disinfectant solutions
that have been approved by the disinfectant manufacturer for
endoscopic instruments. 4.2 Care of valve
Warning! Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the sterilizer. After cleaning and drying, all moveable parts such as the rotation
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