Page 146 - master
P. 146
Fan Retractor Disassembly For the Sontec Deluxe 5mm Fan
Step 1: Unscrew handle. Gently
push fan blades forward with finger.
Step 2: After unscrewing, Carefully
disconnect handle from ball joint by
tilting handle down, and set handle
Step 3: Push fan blades down
grasp fan below blades and gently
twist counter-clockwise to unscrew
shaft. Remove shaft from assembly.
We recommend disassembly for occasional
ultrasonic cleaning and removal of debris. For all
other cleaning, use flush valve.
Reasembly: Reassembly is opposite of
disassembly. • Inset the shaft into the assembly
and screw on clockwise. • Gently tilt fan tip up
with finger. • Insert ball into ball joint in handle.
• push tip of fan down and screw on handle. •
check fan to make sure ball joint is connected
and is operating correctly.
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